What is BPO?

BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It refers to the practice of contracting out specific business processes or tasks to a third-party provider. This can include functions such as customer service, data entry, technical support, and more.

Why should my business consider outsourcing with a BPO provider?

Outsourcing with a BPO provider can offer several benefits for businesses, including cost savings, access to specialized expertise, increased efficiency, and the ability to focus on core business functions. It can also provide flexibility in scaling up or down operations based on business needs.

What types of services do we offer as a BPO provider?

As a BPO provider, we offer a wide range of services, including customer support, technical support, data entry, data processing, content moderation, order processing, back-office operations, and more. We can customize our services to suit the specific needs of your business. Go to our services page to find all the roles Rovr can supply. 

How do you ensure data security and confidentiality?

We take data security and confidentiality seriously. We have robust security measures in place to protect the data of our clients, including access controls, data encryption, and regular security audits. Our employees are also trained on data security best practices. Please see our privacy policy for more information. 

What is the process for working with Rovr outsourcing?

We follow a streamlined process for working with our clients. It typically involves initial consultation to understand your requirements, proposal submission. Rovr provides 3 candidates for interviewing by the client to choose the best person for the role. We then discuss contract agreement, transition and onboarding, regular reporting and performance tracking, and ongoing collaboration to ensure smooth operations.

How do you ensure quality in your services?

We have a stringent quality control process in place to ensure the highest level of service quality. This includes regular performance monitoring, feedback and coaching sessions for our team members, process documentation, and adherence to industry standards and best practices.


How can I track the progress and performance of my outsourced processes?

We provide regular reports and performance metrics to our clients, so you can easily track the progress and performance of your outsourced processes. We also maintain open communication channels to address any concerns or feedback you may have.

How long is the recruitment process with Rovr?

It can take around 2-4 weeks depending on the roles being recruited and the availability of quality candidates at the time. We promote 3 fully vetted candidates with resumes references and a disc profiling to help you chose the best option to hire. The client interviews the candidates they like as many times as they need to be certain they have the rite fit. 

Who provides the role specific training?

Rovr recruits the candidates, our clients provide the training. Depending on the role you are outsourcing, Rovr’s recruitment process may lead to candidates who already have systems experience and relevant accreditations; reducing the amount of training necessary. This will become evident throughout the recruitment process as you will be communicating with our talent acquisition team regularly. You need to provide company specific training and onboarding, just the same as any onshore employee. 


    Can I hire part time employees?

    Rovr are here to suit every type of business and can facilitate part time and full time workers. Part time workers can be as little as you like depending on the role. To get the best candidates possible we recommend hiring full time. We also have project based options as well for short term employment. Please speak to the team at Rovr regarding the best option for you

      What hours do the staff work?

      Our staff are very flexible and work with business around the world in different times zones. They will work the office hours you stipulate in the recruitment phase.

        How does Rovr performance manage their staff?

        If they are underperforming we provide a evaluation tool to help Rovr understand the issues. We will then step you through the Philippine labour laws and the next steps. Rovr also provide free skill based training to get the worker up to standards if this is the issue. 

          Do the Philippine workers speak good English?

          Yes. The Philippines is the third-largest English-speaking country globally, with approximately 75 million English speakers, and English is one of the country’s two official national languages (the other being Filipino). English is the main language used in their professional workplace.

            How do I pay my outsourced staff?

            You will be given a break down of all salaries and fees before starting. This will be invoiced to you fortnightly and Rovr takes care of paying the employee according to Philippine laws.

              What if I want to give my staff a bonus or any benefits?

              Please speak to your dedicated Rovr client manager and they can run you though the options for monetary bonuses or commission they have earnt.  Rovr recommends giving birthday gifts and anything that an onshore staff member would get to make them a part of the team.

                What sets your Rovr outsourcing apart from others in the industry?

                As a BPO provider, we pride ourselves on our industry expertise, customized solutions, exceptional customer service, and commitment to data security and confidentiality. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering value-added services that meet the unique needs of our clients.

                  What are the cultural differences?

                  As a former U.S colony with a 90% Christian population, the Philippines has a western culture. Its cities, office building, malls and restaurants feel very familiar to the in Australia. And because there no language barrier and no cultural differences in time management or sense of urgency in the workplace, working with eh Filipinos feels almost as identical to with Australians. 

                  Business owners invest in Filipino teams due to their excellent work ethic, values, integrity, loyalty, service-orientated mindset and friendly working atmosphere they seem to foster in any organisations culture. They value integrity just as much as the value time and show innate respect for others. Filipinos generally know what fun is without forgetting what responsibility entails and they place high regard on professionalism. 

                  What is the cost of outsourcing with your BPO services?

                  The cost of outsourcing with our BPO services depends on various factors, such as the type and complexity of services, volume of work, and duration of the contract. We offer competitive pricing options and can provide detailed cost estimates based on your specific requirements.

                  How can I get started with outsourcing my business processes to your BPO team?

                  Getting started with outsourcing is easy. Simply contact us through our website or give us a call to discuss your requirements. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and develop a customized solution tailored to your business. We will then guide you through the onboarding process and ensure a smooth transition for your outsourced processes.